• Proxy Healing

    Proxy is a term used to muscle test on behalf of another person. It allows me to connect to you at any distance.

    Think of it like Wi-Fi, where there is an invisible energetic string that connects me to you. When I connect to you, my body & subconscious mind has the incredible ability to temporarily set aside it’s own needs to help you. I then become the testing subject and can ask your subconscious the appropriate questions to determine what imbalances you have & release trapped emotion or other energetic imbalances to restore harmony.

  • Muscle Testing

    Muscle testing is a form of biofeedback that requires no high-tech machinery. It means I play detective and communicate with your subconscious mind and ask it a stream of ‘yes’ or ‘no’ questions to get to the root issue of imbalance.

    Our subconscious mind sees all, hears all, and knows all, and stores that information in our mind & body; and this allows a direct way to ask the body what’s bothering it, what it needs to thrive, and if the issue has been corrected or not.

  • magnets

    Magnets emit pure energy and are powerful tools to energetically correct imbalances. 

    Our bodies generate an electromagnetic field that’s created by the electrical activity within the body. This created within the nervous system, as well as within our cells as electrical chemical processes. Science has been able to measure this electrical activities through EKG’s & EEG’s.

    I use a magnet to help amplify the release of trapped emotions & enhance the energy of the body to restore itself to homeostasis.

    I swipe the magnet down the governing meridian to release trapped emotions & energetic imbalances. The governing meridian is an energetic pathway, like a river in the body, and is a reservoir of energy that supplies energy to all other meridians in the body.